Why am I so forgiving? It’s a question I often ask myself.
I tend to give people a lot of chances, even when they mess up.
I see their struggles and want to believe they can change. I guess I just want to believe in the good in people.
But sometimes, I wonder if I’m being too nice…
When I forgive, it feels good, things will get better, but then I often find myself feeling hurt again.
I keep thinking, “Maybe this time will be different” but deep down, I know it rarely is. It can be really tiring.
I also worry about losing people if I don’t forgive.
But in trying to hold on to them, I sometimes lose sight of what I need.
I end up feeling like I’m walking on eggshells, just trying to keep the peace.
So, why do I keep forgiving? A part of me believes everyone deserves another chance.
But I’m learning that it’s okay to put myself first sometimes.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean I have to ignore how I feel or let others walk all over me.
I can be kind and still protect my heart.
I’m figuring out how to forgive without losing myself in the process.
It’s not easy.
I want to care for others, but I also want to take care of myself.
forgiveness doesn’t mean allowing someone to hurt me repeatedly.
It means understanding that my worth is not defined by how much I tolerate.
sometimes, the hardest thing to do is to let go, not just of others, but of the idea that I must carry their burdens alone.
I deserve to be free, too.